Ordre du jour long et très intéressant hier : dans la matinée, M. Nagy Tibor, (...)

The Ambassador of the United States in Dakar, Tulinabo Mushingi, and the President of the American Chamber of Commerce Mahi Kane met this April 24, 2020 with the Minister of Economy, Planning and Cooperation, Amadou Hott, for the presentation support, in cash and in kind for a total amount of FCFA 396,043,805, offered by the American Chamber of Commerce in Senegal (AmCham) and other American companies operating in the country. Minister Hott, on behalf of the Government of Senegal, thanked AmCham and the various corporate donors.

Companies that have demonstrated their generosity and solidarity, through their contribution, are: Connecting Leadership Resources, Cabinet Aziz Dièye, Cabinet Houda law firm, Caetano formula Senegal, Citibank Senegal, Contour Global, Cubic / Trafficware, Cybersmart, Ernst & Young, Fortesa, General Electric, Grands Moulins de Dakar, GIDG, Industries des Boissons du Sénégal, Kosmos, KPMG, Lekela, Microsoft, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Zena Exotic Fruits.

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